Bridging the Gap: Pre-Recorded Speech Therapy for Children Without Access to One-on-One Sessions
In a world where the demand for speech and language therapy often exceeds the availability of specialized professionals, many children...
Bridging the Gap: Pre-Recorded Speech Therapy for Children Without Access to One-on-One Sessions
How do I encourage my child to talk?
The Critical Importance of Early Intervention in Addressing Toddler Language Delay
Why younger siblings are more likely to have speech and language delay then their old brothers or sisters
Speech Therapy AT HOME: Embracing Virtual Sessions in the UK
Why early intervention is key for speech and language development in toddlers and late talkers
87% rise in speech and language therapy need but key positions remain unfilled
Nursery World, interviews Speech Club's Claire Whittaker
Lockdown: 'Children behind in speech and understanding'